Use the Aweform API to access Form responses, useful for things such as adding them to a CRM, sending customized email to respondents and much more. (You can also do a lot of that without writing custom code
our Zapier integration).
The Basics
The Aweform API is accessed via https://aweform.com/api/, and the return value is always a JSON object or Array. To use the API you need to have the Pro version of Aweform, and you need to access your API key. The API key can be found on the Account Page.
Supply the API key with each request as a query parameter, ie: ?apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
The responses are always paged with a fixed page size of 100 entries, to access more data, perform additional requests and add &page=N at the end of your query.
API Library
For your convenience we supply a .Net (C#, VB.Net etc) library on GitHub AweformAPI.Net. Its a single file and has no dependencies outside of the core .Net library.
Returns some basic details for the currently authenticated user.
Returns all Responses for all Forms that the current user has access to.
Returns a list of Forms that the current user has access to across all Workspaces.
Returns a list of Form Definitions for the Forms that the current user has access to across all Workspaces.
Returns a list of Workspaces that the current user has access to.
Returns a list of all Forms in a specific Workspace.
Returns a list of Form Definitions for all Forms in a specific Workspace.
Returns a list of Responses to all Forms in a specific Workspace.
Returns the Form Definition for a specific Form.
Returns a list of Responses to a specific Form.
{ "id": "19591716659003393", "emailAddress": "demo@aweform.com" ,"name": "Aweform Demo", "accountType": "Pro" }
{ "id": "386605008633724929", "name": "Aweform.com", "workspaceId": "386604969979019265" }
Form Definition
{ "id": "386605008633724929", "name": "Aweform.com", "workspaceId": "386604969979019265", "components":
{ "type": "ShortText", "name": "Hi there, what's your name?" },
{ "type": "Select", "name": "Aweform lets you create forms for any use case, to get the answers you need, quickly and easily...", "options": [ "Answers Like This", "And That", "And This Other Thing" ] },
{ "type": "LongText", "name": "Aweform supports a whole bunch of different input types for you to use..." },
{ "type": "Rating", "name": "Or this Rating input, if you need to capture someones impression of your recent event...", "options": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ] },
{ "type": "Email", "name": "Or this email input, if you need to send someone your awesome newsletter..." },
{ "type": "Select", "name": "And of course, we support various multiple choice questions, the mainstay of any serious form, and much more...", "options": [ "Numbers", "Dates", "Ohhh my...", "Other" ] }
{ "id": "386604969979019265", "name": "Marketing Forms" }
{ "id": "453878859507433472", "dateInUTC": "2019-05-08 02:41", "Hi there, what's your name?": "Aweform", "Aweform lets you create forms for any use case, to get the answers you need, quickly and easily...": "And That", "Aweform supports a whole bunch of different input types for you to use...": "Hello", "Or this Rating input, if you need to capture someones impression of your recent event...": "3", "Or this email input, if you need to send someone your awesome newsletter...": "demo@aweform.com", "And of course, we support various multiple choice questions, the mainstay of any serious form, and much more...": "Numbers, Ohhh my..., Other: yes" }